Consider the bee that makes the honey. It does not hang around the bee hive. The road to failure is greased with the slime of indifference. Some work out a future, while others just waste away the remembering.
Most of our troubles arise from DISCOURAGEMENT, PROCRASTINATION OR IDLENESS. Resist the control of the flesh and you will grab a windfall of divine touch. You will look younger this year as you diligently pursue your assignment with fresh diligence.
No one ever climbed a hill just by looking at it. Just over the hill is a beautiful valley, but you must climb to the hill to see it. Ambition never gets anywhere until it forms partnership with work.
No dream becomes true until you wake up and make it work. The secret of success and winning is sweat. Faith can move mountains but hard work can put a tunnel or road through that mountain.
Be more diligent even when Satan shoots arrows of discouragement into your soul. Poverty and riches are deceitful! None is permanent! So you must keep working against all odds.
Living is frustration without working beyond your potential. If you don't work hard you will live hard. Reject that!
Consider the ant, an insignificant insect, whose foresight and industry is an example of wisdom to the sluggard. It has no direction, general overseer or controller.
Yet each ant works independently of the rest, being guided by a common goal to add to the common store.
You have higher intelligence and grace, plan afresh and work. From Abraham to Apostle Paul, no victorious saint was ever lazy.
Mahatma Gandhi said “Indolence is a delightful but distressing state. We must be doing something to be happy. Action is no less necessary than thought, to the intrusive tendencies of the human frames".
He was a Hindu, not a Christian. Reject procrastination, discouragement, depression, self-pity, comparing yourself to others, etc. They are the demons that have wasted many.
Do what you must do now. A lazy man will die in disgrace. Even if you are doing well in life now, don't slow down until you decide to retire. Even after retirement, you must retire gently.
Labor is a pathway to increase, so God is emphasizing it always. Nobody goes up without working. Every working hand makes a wealthy life. Dignity is an offspring of diligence.
Prayerfully kill procrastination today and put extra hours into your life’s assignment. Success and rest don't sleep together. Even ants can build castles, what is your excuse?
Be constantly dissatisfied with where you are. It is not enough to be busy! So are the ants! The question is: What are you busy about?
Again Arthur Godfrey once said "Even if you are on the right track in life, you will get run over if you just sit down". Be productive today.
Keep moving, consider the bee / keep moving, consider the ants
Reviewed by Unknown
March 16, 2018