The words above could have been an advert placed in the local newspaper of a Christian publishing crew! That is how God works! His work is not done by great people but by ordinary people who are so committed.
You may not have the brains of Jacques Dobochet, Joachim Frank, Richard Henderson, kazoo ishiguro and Richard H. Thaler
the 2017 noble Prize winner in various fields of medicine, science and literature!
Yes, you may not have the muscles of Mohammed Ali, Evander Holyfield, Anthony Joshua, Floyd Mayweather
great past and present boxing world champions
nor the height of Manute Bol and Gheorghe Muresan
(tallest basketball players in the world), but Gods work can be done through you.
He (God) used the hesitant, uncoordinated Moses to lead Israel to freedom Exodus 3 vs. 13; 4 Vs 10.
He used men of sheep and goats as well as Fishermen and farmers to accomplish his work.
The Bible was written by God through initial failures like Peter, Matthew, Moses, David that list goes on. That is the way God still works.
Although we have mega-methods, mass tele-evangelist and great super/mega churches,
It is still ordinary people that God will prefer using.
Writing to an unbelieving neighbor about Christ, being a worker in your local church, encouraging your pastor with a card or cash
helping an elderly person with the dishes or cooking, visiting the sick in the nearest hospital or visiting the prison are ways your life can speak for God this year.
Don't forget God uses the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty 1 Corinthians 1vs 27
whatever you do to others you are doing it to the Lord Matthew 25 Vs 40.
Let him use you daily this year and always remember the advert above. GOD USES Ordinary people.
Wanted: ordinary people for extra ordinary work
Reviewed by Unknown
March 19, 2018