One of the hardest things for some people to do is wait! Everything in this generation is on the fast lane. You can Google questions to find answers rather than work out the answers yourself.
You can order shoes online rather than suffer the long weekend lines at the retail store. You can book your flight ticket and do dinner reservations ahead of time rather than wait for a table at your favorite restaurant.
Waiting for many is time wasting. But, you must understand that life is all about wait! People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, and in some cases, all their lives for happiness!
In fact, much of life is spent waiting. For instance, you didn't grow overnight; you took time to grow into an adult. You didn't graduate from school in a day, it took years!
You wait or waited for your dream job, you wait or waited for your life partner
For childbirth, for medical diagnosis, for book or contract proposal, etc.
Life is full of waiting. All these instances can make waiting seem futile and frustrating, but the truth is waiting can be valuable and rewarding. Michael Hyatt said “While our natural inclination is to hate waiting, this period of uncertainty can actually be a time of great personal growth".
God doesn't operate any faster in the 21st century than he did in the 1st. His word cannot be broken and cannot be changed even by a D. SC thesis. Sometimes you are tempted to think that your God is too slow.
Listen to this "Often when it seems nothing is happening, that is when everything is happening behind the scenes; you just can't see it" (Dr. Chris. E. K). Every major figure in the Bible was forced to wait long periods of time before God brought their testimonies.
Psalm. 40 Vs 1 says.....
waited patiently for the Lord's help;
then he listened to me and heard my cry.
David showed us how to wait on the Lord. You have to do it PATIENTLY, NOT DEPRESSIVELY and your result would be HE HEARD MY CRY! Wow! Abraham waited for 25 years before he got Isaac! Joseph went through 13 years in the waiting room of betrayal, false imprisonment and abandonment before he ruled Egypt.
Moses spent forty years in waiting, tending and "baby sitting” sheep before God called him as the deliverer of His people! Whatever you are believing God for wait! He will do it in his own time.
Waiting time is not wasted time! It is preparation time! Instead of murmuring and comparing yourself to others, invest your waiting time by renewing your faith in God's power and faithfulness to do what he has promised!
Refuse to cry or pity yourself! Use that waiting season to work for God. Wait patiently for God. Life is about appreciating what you have and waiting patiently for what you will get. Indeed patience is bitter but its fruits are sweet.
Good things come to those who wait and better things come to those who are patient. Anything worth having in life is worth waiting for. Look at ISIS today and all the numerous Islamic terrorists groups worldwide today.
They would have been prevented if Abraham didn't rush into Hagar to produce Ishmael. Leo Tolstoy said “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time". God has perfect timing, never early, never late. Hang unto him today.
In the waiting room of life
Reviewed by Unknown
March 14, 2018