Many people in a bid to hit the limelight have gone to unimaginable ends to achieve their desire. To what extent? For glory? God forbid. Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Their methods are not of God, it will always end in shame, frustration and death.
there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" (proverbs 14:12).
At the Seoul 1998 Olympics, Ben Johnson wanted the limelight so badly that he cheated. He took banned performance enhancing drugs and came first in the 100m final. It was a spectacular race.
He won in a new world record. The world heralded the arrival of a new sprint king.
He was decorated with gold medal and his smiling face was front page of most major newspapers the following morning.
Few days after the events, test conducted on his blood sample
showed that he had taken banned performance enhancing drugs. The news shook the world, he was Disqualified, banned from athletic
medal withdrawn how are the mighty fallen.
Vicente Lombardi said "the real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. That's the essence of it". He wanted to win by all means and it ended his athletics career. God is interested in your success, but he will not condone cheating to achieve be success.
Remember the Volkswagen diesel scandal of year 2015,
in a bid to be number 1 they cheated and are now in pain, several court cases and a skunk in sales.
Note this, if you work hard, pray hard and trust hard, Deuteronomy28:13
will fall on you like A NEW RAIN: the Lord shall make thee the head and not the tail.
Note the words "Make THEE". It is God that will make you and not you making yourself. Until God makes you, any other making will come down. Remember also that Jesus said "fellow me and I will make thee fishers of men".
He is the MAKER. Making yourself the head by all means is a temporary breakthrough rooted on sinking sand. Avoid it! Stop panicking! Stop envying others! Stop hustling to go up, do your best let your hands be clean and leave the rest.
Arnold Schwarzenegger said “strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength". Though David was in the deep Bush, did he not win at last? Was he not made the head at last?
How could he have overthrown the greatest power at that time by his own effort? Humanly speaking, his winning and being the head was impossible. But promotion does not come by cheating because he had no army. David becoming the king of Israel was not because he killed Goliath. He was chosen before he killed Goliath.
Wilma Ruldoph said
"Winning is great, sure but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose".
Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat and go to win again, you are going to be a champion someday. So wining and becoming the head is not by anxiety or pains action, it is by God favoring you in your due season.
Remember Gehazi wanted to win and grow rich by all means and he became rich with leprosy. If God be God, then in your season, your making by him will show forth for the world to behold. Wait on the Lord.
Winning by all means is not of GOD
Reviewed by Unknown
February 14, 2018