One important key to living a victorious life that God has designed for us is to live a life of foresight (Looking Ahead).
Looking ahead is very important for achieving goals and attaining success. In looking ahead, there are things you should always look out for, these things are:
1) Opportunities
2) Challenges
3) Blessings
An Irish prayer says
“ May you have the HINDSIGHT to know where you have been, the FORESIGHT to know where you are going and the INSIGHT to know when you are going too far”.
The hindsight, foresight and insight are keys that are necessary to achieving success.
The hindsight makes you reflect back on your life,
look at your past,
know what you did not do right,
how best you would have handled events, steps you would have taken and those you should not have taken.
The hindsight gives you the opportunity to know the mistakes you have made thereby giving you a way in which you should not repeat them again.
The foresight on the other hand is a little peek into the future.
The foresight is also very important
as it makes you foresee events, challenges and opportunities.
The foresight makes you forecast which steps would be the right steps to take in case an event of sorts presented itself.
The foresight makes you plan on what to do when you have one challenge or the other in future.
The foresight helps you to avoid some unforgiveable mistakes that would have occurred. It sets your eyes on the prize and makes you do the right thing in the present in other to obtain what is in the future.
Finally, we have the insight. The insight is a form of inspiration or motivation. In our lives as Christians, our insight can be divinely inspired. We can have insight from our gut or from God himself.
Insight is important because it steers the ship of the hindsight and the foresight.
In Genesis 50:24-26, Joseph gave an instruction to his people; he set their eyes on the future (foresight).
He told them
“God will surely visit you and bring out of this land unto the land that he swore to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob”.
He was helping them to look ahead, he also told them
" when he visits you, make sure you carry my bones from here…”
Note this however;
Joseph did not inform them that they were going to be slaves, maltreated and abused for many years.
He did not inform that a day would come when they would suffer so much that they would cry out to God for deliverance.
God through Joseph only showed them the blessings ahead. Joseph himself was not shown his PIT and PRISON when he had his dreams.
Listen! God does not always show you everything. He does this because he does not want you to fret or be discouraged.
How many people in this life would want to achieve their dreams if they are told of both the good and the bad things that are to come with achieving that dream?
How many people would be able to stand it if they were told
“Oh You are going to be famous and rich in life but only after you are beaten down, disgraced, embarrassed, criticised, probably arrested, kicked out of your home, left with no source of income and no money to feed”.
My guess is as good as yours ; no one would want to go through that.
However, one thing we must realize is that obstacles would always come but you have to keep your eyes on the prize,
Look Ahead!
Listen the words of Napoleon Hill
“Do not be afraid of a little opposition, remember that the kite of success generally rises against the wind of adversity, not with it ".
So no matter how hard it has been, keep your eyes on the blessing, on the future and on the outcome.
Keep the words of Maltbie Babcock in mind
“Pay as little attention to discouragement as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough, smooth-rain, or shine. To carry your cargo and make your port is the point”.
Refuse to quit now. Only fools give up because they do not understand the word ALWAYS
The foresight that balances your hindsight
Reviewed by Unknown
January 19, 2018