Philosopher Mr. Long fetter said. “Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending”. Many people begin a thing (career, business or anything) but cannot pull through to the end.
Some people start well optimistic and very positive thoughts and drive and along the line,
they give up due to one challenge or the other.
The ability to start a thing in spite of troubles and distractions
and stay with it to the end despite any challenge or obstacle
that show themselves is called concentration.
Concentration is in depth focus on a particular thing.
It is situations in which you act like on other thing exist in life at that moment just the thing you have set your mind to do.
Acts 21:13 says
However, he answered “what are you doing crying like this and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be tied up in Jerusalem but even to die there for the sake of the lord Jesus ”(GNT)
Despite the threats of pain and death,
Paul still made his trip to Jerusalem because nothing else mattered to him back then but our lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ also knew what was ahead of him,
the trials and the tribulation he would have to face for the sake of mankind’s redemption.
But through all that, he had his mind set on one thing which was saving mankind.
Jesus endured the cross because of the joy set before him.
He kept imagining in his mind, the life after the cross,
he pictured the new name that would be given to him.
He how at the mention of that name, every knee would bow and he decided to endure the Pilate of this world.
Keep believing God for your gift of imagination,
keep seeing that new car, bigger business, a more disciplined ministry, a great family e.t.c.
All successful people have the quality of focusing. Resist distractions from your long awaited expectation.
Years ago, there was something called the Serena show.
Serena was the then world number one female lawn tennis champion who was accused of winning the US and french open crowns.
In fact she so defeated others including her sister Venus that the games were called the Serena show.
When asked about her secret, hear her billion dollar answer.
“My secret is I have that focus of winning in and outside the court. When I am in a competition, at the end, I experience more mental exhaustion than physical exhaustion because; I put so much mental work in it”.
Wow! Did you hear that, more of mind work than body work. The power of concentration lies so much in the mind. This is one of the reasons magicians are able to fool us.
The use so much concentration as the human mind is able to focus on one thing at a time,
they make you focus on the less important things hence you miss the most important details,
hence the term “the more you look the less you see.”
Concentration is a very powerful tool for attaining success. You may not be a world champion, but you can and must win in your little corner by the power of concentration. Learn to do lots of mental work and learn to imagine.
Albert Einstein once said
that the moment he wakes up in the morning, he spends some time imagining and he found out that all the things he invented in life he once imagined them.
See the victory ahead daily; you are not permitted to fail. Failure is not in your covenant with God your only alternative is to win. Prepare yourself mentally, for a man that is prepared has half won the battle stay focused! Refuse to lose concentration via depression. Self pity or self comparison
The serene show the power of concentration
Reviewed by Unknown
January 29, 2018