The law of constant movement is important to all creation. No matter who you are or what you own, constant movement is very important.
A bird that attains a certain height and wishes to remain there can only do so if it continues to flap its wings.
Hence, as soon as any human has risen to any height in his road of progress and does not stir himself for further heights,
like the bird, he or she must fall.
If your thoughts are not updated your life becomes outdated.
At times we feel we have it all, then there is no need or use to improve day by day,
you need to improve on yourself, on your career, on your business, even in the knowledge or skill you have,
improvement is paramount for managing success.
You are not permitted to remain stagnant,
the law of motion says; whatever is not regenerating (progressing) will degenerate (regress).
If you look at a car for instance, when it accelerates, and it gets to the designated speed,
if the driver does not keep accelerating gradually,
the speed of the car begins to drop slowly until it comes to a very slow speed.
This law works like all other laws of creation. Greater than the glories of the first half the year,
there are still higher glories you will see if you determine to provoke the law of motion.
2nd Corinthian 3:18 says
So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
This verse speaks vividly of our being change from glory to glory (progress). Isa 9:7 also says
His royal power will continue to grow; his kingdom will always be at peace. He will rule as King David's successor, basing his power on right and justice, from now until the end of time. The Lord Almighty is determined to do all this.
The increase (not the decrease) of His (Jesus) government there shall be on end. There is on backwardness in your covenant with God.
Those who grow up in wealthy circumstance and do not struggle because they have no need to do so for their daily bread,
often show early signs old age than those who are active.
There is a sense of joy, happiness and fulfilment that one feels when he/she is rewarded for hard work or hand labour,
this joy/happiness makes you want to strive harder and better
hence giving you a thrill that makes you alive and makes you feel younger.
But one who was born with everything being handed to him or her
would never have this feeling or would never know what it means to feel this way.
Proverb 13:11 says “he that gatherath by labour shall increase”.
It did not say he that has everything handeth to him.
The bible says it clear, it is one that strives hard, it is one that is determined to keep moving,
determine to keep working that shall increase, it is not one who sits still that would increase.
No matter what has happened in your life, keep flapping your wings. Until you move, the Red sea will not divide. Keep working; keep seeing where you are going. There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream. Never allow discouragement, if you cannot walk, crawl.
Crawl until you get to your destination and keep crawling to keep yourself there.
Success law of constant motion! The red sea won’t path until you are on motion
Reviewed by Unknown
January 30, 2018