I will start by defining commitment as the ability to stand firm
and continue to do a particular thing
or follow a particular ideology
or a particular cause until that thing or cause achieve its aim.
Your progress in life is determined by the measure of your commitment.
In the 16 laws of success, by Napoleon Hill,
concentration is listed among one of the important laws to attaining success.
Focus is very important if you have many things at hand
you will always find it hard to make significant progress in the very important things.
Most people in life feel that in order to be rich and famous,
you must have many businesses bringing in money at the same time.
In a way, this is true but the thing is in order to achieve this,
you need to grow the businesses one by one, it is not something that just happens,
one company needs to be stable before you build another one this is where concentration is very vital.
If we look through the bible in Genesis 11,
we see the story of the people on the earth back then trying to build a city with a tower that reaches the sky in order to make a name for themselves.
What struck me most in this scripture is in verse 5-6, it says;
“ then the lord came down to see the city and the tower which these men had built and said these are all one people and they speak one language; this is just the beginning of what they are going to do, soon they will be able to do anything they want!.”
Our father in heaven understands the power of concentration and oneness.
If we see the scripture above,
it tells us that God knows that if we are with one mind and if we are determined, we can do anything we want.
Commitment can be displayed in a full range of matter to include the work hours you choose to maintain,
how you work to improve your abilities or what you give to your follow workers as personal sacrifice.
Your commitment is something you do regardless of how you feel or do not feel.
When you are committed to something, what people think about you will not bother you any longer,
look at the lives of the greatest men and women in life,
they all passed through one challenge or the other but they were committed.
They were committed to making history,
they were committed to making life better for humanity,
and they were committed to making their ideas a reality.
Take Steve Jobs for instance
when he started apple his aim was to make sure that every house in America had a personal computer and he was committed to that aim.
Today it has become a reality that every house not just in America but we can say that 85% of the world today have computers in their homes because one man was committed to seeing that happen.
Let me tell you a simple story that would make you pin point what you are actually committed to in the area of your business or career success.
There was a young woman who owns a hair salon business in Abuja (Nigeria). This young woman was very non-chalant about her business in the area of her work ethics. She went to work whenever she felt like and closed whenever she felt like. She never stayed in her salon for more than 6 hours and she always complained.
After speaking to someone who analyzed her situation very well the person found out that she was the cause of her problems and advised her that she needs to be more focused to her business.
She took the advice and started putting in more hours at work,
she even went for a training course to develop her skills and now her business is fine.
People love to see commitment in the people they do business with. As a person, I cannot patronize you if I know that you can easily disappoint me when I need you most.
That was the case of the woman above, she lacked commitment, and customers never came to her business because she was unreliable.
Unreliability kills success; commitment on the other hand makes success possible.
Be committed in any area you strive to achieve success and I see you sore higher and higher in life.
What are you committed to?
Reviewed by Unknown
January 16, 2018