Many times we fail to dream as big as we want due to fear or due to the fact that we think that our God is limited as we are.
If you have to live a life of more than enough that God has prepared for you,
then you have to stretch yourself and believe God for more than you imagine,
I have had a lot of people tell me things like
“if you see the dreams I have for myself you will think I am crazy”
and when I ask why, they say things like it seems impossible
and this gets me upset because I believe that they is no impossibility when it comes to God.
If you can achieve something on your own, then you don’t really God.
But when you carry within you your dreams and expectation that are so great and wild
that no one but God can make them come true,
then you are beginning to scratch the surface of what God has in store for you.
Let me share a story with you;
once I needed some money for something very important the amount I needed was so huge
it was insane for someone of my age and my status to raise that particular amount of money at that time
but I knew that I had a God One that makes the impossibilities possible.
I picked up a pen and a paper and I wrote down the amount I needed and every day on my way out
I would look at that paper pasted on my wall and I will say thank you Jesus for giving me this money.
I did it constantly and I wasn’t bothered where the money was coming from but finally God showed up and he made a way,
the money was provided through divine favour and I was able to achieve my goals.
You need to dream bigger and expect more from God instead of believing God for enough money to pay your rent,
why not believe him (God) for more than enough money to buy your own house,
why not believe him (God) for enough money to build houses for many homeless people around.
George Forman said
“it is not illegal to dream”
instead of praying that God will increase your salary
why not pray and believe him to give you a business of your own,
instead of praying that he (God) will give food why not believe him (God) to make you a bread winner for many families
where children go to sleep on an empty stomach every night.
Stretch the boundary of your faith,
stretch your dreams, think of the impossible and believe that God can do it.
Dream big, your God is big enough to make your dreams come true. Don’t limit him. You are not doing God a favour by being small minded.
No matter what people say to you or how they see it, what you say or what you see is what God makes a reality. Don’t allow people to limit your God. William Faulkner said
“always dream and shoot higher than you know how to. Don’t bother just be better than your contemporaries and predecessors try to be better than yourself”
Go out each day expecting God to do something great and marvellous in your life in the days ahead. Your best is yet to come. Share to other if you benefited from this article
Stretch your faith and dreams your God is big enough
Reviewed by Unknown
January 08, 2018