Planning is an act of drawing out or forecasting steps in which to take to achieve a particular dream
it entails setting priorities and goals in order to accomplish a bigger goal.
Most people might wonder if planning is really necessary for achieving success; YES!!! It is the second most vital step for achieving success.
The first step is having or knowing the idea,
having the aim the goal, the purpose and the next step is planning; knowing what to do and how to achieve the goal.
If we take a look at Genesis 1:26a it says
Then God said “And now we will make human beings, they will be like us and resemble us… (GNT)
If we look accurately into this scripture, you will see that indeed God had a dream,
he had a goal a very big dream at that to make human beings. He had the specification of what he wanted us to look like what he wanted us to achieve.
This was his idea, this idea was in an egg stage, it had not become full blown yet,
and he had to prepare the place for the idea to hatch.
He knew the things he will need and he knew what his ideas would need so he set these things in place. Our father didn’t just come to earth and start making things, he had priorities.
His first priority was light because the earth was dark (Gen 1:3-4).
Let’s pause for a second and imagine,
imagine if God didn’t set his priorities straight,
imagine if he came to earth without planning and he just decided to make man.
Imagine how we would have looked if God made us without light,
we would have looked hideous and he knew that as humans, we would need light to see so he put it in place before making us.
He knew we would need to eat so he made fruits and made animals for us to get our source of food. He knew we would be thirsty so he made water before making us. If you want to attain success in life, you have to put things in place first before you lay your egg down and watch it hatch.
You need to set priorities and work out a plan. There is a saying that goes this way
“success is achieved when preparation meets opportunity”.
Meaning that if opportunity presents itself and you are not prepared, you will lose out.
In Matthew 25 vs 1-13,
Jesus tells the parable of the 10 virgins who went out to meet the bridegroom, 5 was prepared and 5 were not. Finally after waiting and waiting for the bridegroom, he finally arrived.
The bridegroom whom I would love to call the opportunity left with only 5 virgins that were prepared
the other 5 who were unprepared, lost the opportunity (the bridegroom)
Preparation and planning is vital to success. Having the idea or having the goal alone is not enough to achieve success, you need the planning too. Planning is very important because it makes you see ahead and weigh the outcome.
Robert green said
“the further you see, the more steps ahead you plan, the more powerful you become”
in other words if you plan ahead there is a very little chance that you might not succeed
in fact this chance is really close to zone.
When you plan, you have to take into consideration
both the negative and the positive circumstances or events
and you figure out what to do if any of these events come around.
I know it’s not good to think about negative aspects or to be pessimistic but let’s be realistic,
in order to achieve any dream, one must go through the good phase and the bad phase.
You need to think and plan ahead of time in order to know what to do when this bad phase comes.
Thinking and planning ahead for a bad situation is not bad
but dwelling on it and believing it would happen is what is bad.
Everyone on the road to success needs planning,
if you are on that road and you have not started your planning,
you need to pause for few minutes and do this vital steps/exercise and as you do that,
I see you succeeding in all areas of your life that need success.
If you have a great idea or a great goal you want to achieve and you have not started your planning,
I think you should do that immediately and I want to help you through that journey.
1. You need a journal. In this journal you will document that awesome idea.
2. You will need to write the things you need to achieve this idea.
3. Write down the steps you need to take to achieve this idea (like a check lost)
4. Tick the steps you have already taken and then think on how to complete the rest of the steps
This journal has to be with you constantly and you need to refer to it constantly in order for you to be on track with whatever you are doing.
With each step you are able to accomplish continue ticking, before you know it you are done.
Our God is a God of plans and priorities! learn to follow in his foot steps
Reviewed by Unknown
January 03, 2018