During his first presidential campaign against George bush senior, Bill Clinton said
“I may be fat and ugly but if you push me down, I keep coming back, I don’t give up I keep coming back”.
It is hard to beat a man with such tenacity in the contest of life, to be president is to be persuasive and irresistible.
To be president is to be passionate about what you believe.
To persistent to say
“No matter what happens I must achieve my aim”
persistence is one key attitude everyone who wants to attain success must have.
You must never back down because the road to achieving success is not an easy one, only the most persistent minds get to the end.
At times life knocks us down when we try to achieve our dreams
but we need to accept this challenge because they show us how valuable and how amazing our dreams are.
If your dreams are big, your challenges would be big hence, the bigger the dream the bigger your challenge.
Also, the bigger your dreams the bigger your heart and the bigger the persistence.
If your mind is not large enough to overcome the challenges that come along with big dreams then you have failed.
Your mind needs to be as large as your dreams, as strong as your dreams so that no challenge can make you shake.
Hannah was taunted and derided because of her childlessness by her rival. She prayed for the desire of her heart to be granted by God but the word says the lord shut up her womb 1sam 1:5. That means God allowed/permitted that trial for a season.
God permitted it because Samuel was not a small gift
Samuel was a big dream,
a big gift that needed someone with a big heart in order for the person to understand the big/true value of Samuel.
It was probably easier for Hannah to ignore or neglect the provocation of peninnah,
the adversary that she knew.
But how could she ignore the adversary she knew nothing about?
The lord God that could have made her pregnant was the one who allowed her womb to be shut for a season. In short she was given the bread of adversity to eat and the water of affliction to drink. But even in that trial she was stubborn to quitting.
Persistence is the key to unlock your door of escape out of any hot oven. Determine that you would keep trusting God.
Determine that quitting, depression, fear of the future or envying others
will be far from you.
Edmund Bruke said
“difficulty is a severe instructor set over us by the supreme ordinance of a parental guardian who knows us better than we know ourselves as he loves us better too. He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skills: our antagonist is thus our helper”.
If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it! Don’t give up now.
The most difficult thing to do is giving up
Reviewed by Unknown
December 14, 2017