Theodore Roosevelt plagued by asthma and physical weakness,
he took up the rough life of a ranch hand to build up his strength.
He went on to become a heroic soldier and president of his country (America).
What God is saying to us today is that we must never withdraw from a battle. If you had never met defeat, you would never have known any great victory.
Robert Frost wrote
“the only way around is through”
Henry Ward Beecher noted
“troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things.”
Napoleon Hill also wrote
“victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.”
Kim Bloomer concluded
“if we never go through any valleys, how will we know when we’ve reached a mountain top?
How will we know if the mountain is even any good if all our lives,
we stay up on the mountain and never experience any valleys at all costs,
but the most growth for anything happens during adversities.
That is why no man or woman is allowed by God to live on a permanent mountain or valley experience. Adversity is the best teacher anyone could have. Adversity is like a driving force that makes people attain higher positions.
If you sit back and look at the world today,
you would find out that most of the people who have gone through valley experiences know how to manage the mountain experience;
most people who have faced challenges or adversities have set goals and aims to achieve in life.
Let me tell you a simple story to back up my point.
In the past there was a very wealthy billionaire in American,
the man was the CEO of one of the known companies back then.
This man had two sons,
he gave his boys anything they asked for and he ended up giving them a smooth sailing life experience.
Every month the man sent about a hundred dollars back then for the children to spend weekly. He never thought of showing his kids what it means to be poor so that they can value the riches they had.
Along the line the sons graduated from college and they began running their fathers company.
Due to their frivolous spending, they succeeded in running the company down and ended up declaring bankruptcy.
Can you actually blame the kids? Their father taught them the habit of spending rather than saving. Only the poor can actually appreciate what it feels like to be rich.
Same way only people who go through adversity can understand what it feels like to be successful later in life.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t pray for adversity but rather what I am trying to say is if it eventually comes, don’t wallow in self pity get up and learn lessons that will push you forward towards your success.
Life can make good of the hardships we meet because adversity/pain is the champion’s energy drink. Psalm 27:5 says
In times of trouble he will shelter me; he will keep me safe in his Temple and make me secure on a high rock.
Good news translation
Note “in times of trouble” there are temporary seasons of trouble for everyone.
But history is also full of examples of great men and women who overcame troubles, disappointment and handicaps.
No matter what you are passing through right now, never forget that it is for a season and for a reason.
So like the lame man at the beautiful gate, look to God till your change comes. Don’t quit now.
Champion’s turn Adversity into an energy drink
Reviewed by Unknown
December 12, 2017