Babara bush daughter of former US president W.Bush once said
“some people give time, some give money, some their skills and connections and some literally gives life’s blood but everyone has something to give”.
The phrase everyone has something to give is really true, whether you are rich or poor one way or another you have something to give.
Let me share this story with you. I belong to a little group in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. In this little group, we love to go for outreach to visit the poor.
An opportunity came one time where we had to visit one of the villages around Abuja.
This outreach was a medical outreach and apart from doctors going to treat people for free we were asked to bring whatever we had like old clothes and shoes.
Our leader made a very strong statement which stuck to me and she said
“your worst clothes or shoes or the smallest money you have is someone’s best”
I doubted it at first until we got to the village and to my biggest surprise
cloth and shoes that I thought were worn out were actually struggled for and celebrated.
The bible in acts 20:35 says
I have shown you in all things that by working hard in this way we must help the weak, remembering the words that the Lord Jesus himself said, ‘There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.
Good news translation
And to remember the words of Jesus how he said
“it is more blessed to give than to receive”
so many people are always living with the expectation to receive that they end up forgetting how to give.
Giving is a very powerful mystery and looking at the words of Jesus above you might wonder
“how can giving which looks painful be more blessed than receiving which looks painless”.
Do you know why God gave man his breadth in the garden?
It was to teach the world a lesson that no university will teach you which is “giving provokes life”
yes, as God gave his breadth, life came forth hence, givers have life, and they have life that flows into their lives, business and destiny.
That is why it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Great people are always great because they are great givers from the little they have,
they gave and became rulers of the world,
Warren Buffet at a point in time gave over $30billion to help the needy,
and he had the option of building more mansions and making more money.
Bill Gate, the founder of Bill and Melinda Gate foundation has devoted his life to fight malaria in Africa.
Mother Theresa who had no money devoted her life/time to caring for the poor and sickly.
Oprah Winfrey, founder of Oprah’s Angle network has donated more than $300million to the needy around the world.
Remember she has on child,
she could have well decided to spend that money in looking for children or adopting them but No,
she decided to give.
George Soros has donated billions through Soros foundation to get rid of poverty in Africa.
1st Thessalonians 5:14 says
We urge you, our friends, to warn the idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
Good news translation
Supporting the weak is a duty of all who desire to be strong. Supporting the poor is a duty of all those who desire to be rich. Supporting the sick is a duty of all those who desire to be in good health. Joseph Mercier wrote “we must not only give what we have, we must give what we are”. Robert Half said “giving people a little more than they expected is a good way to get back more than you would expect”.
William Ward also concluded that
“before you speak listen, before you write think, before you invest investigate, before you criticize wait before you pray forgive, before you quit try, before you retire save, before you die give”.
Giving is a mystery that works for everyone irrespective of religion.
Make giving a life style if you want to succeed today. In the midst of your own needs look for others and start giving and your life would become uncommon.
Givers rule the world
Reviewed by Unknown
December 18, 2017