Some time ago Dr Goodluck Jonathan the ex president of Nigeria made a speech.
He said that the difference between an ordinary person and an extra-ordinary one
is the little or extra which the extraordinary person puts into life which the ordinary one does not.
Down in history, we have seen many men and women stand out of the crowd by just the extra they have put in or done. The Bible itself encourages us to add a little extra in our life’s.
If you look into the lives of people in the Bible
like Abraham, faith distinguished him and made him extra-ordinary. Romans 4:17says
“Abraham became the father of all those who believe. The extra thing he added in his life was the lifestyle of faith.”
An ordinary man lives life according to what life present to him or according to what he sees physically
but an extra-ordinary man like Abram lived life according to what he believed and how he saw himself spiritually and not physically.
He lived his life according to what he believed would happen not what people or circumstances were telling him would happen.
That was the little, the extra he added.
If we also look into the lives of bezaleel and aholiab
their extra power, skill and ability in the line of metal work and wood work made them to stand out.
We also see the life of the woman with the alabaster box in Mark 14:3
Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon, a man who suffered from a dreaded skin disease. While Jesus was eating, a woman came in with an alabaster jar full of a very expensive perfume made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on Jesus head.
This single act of anointing Jesus with oil from the alabaster box
distinguished this woman.
This simple or extra act earned her a spot in the Bible, this single act made her name to be imprinted in the sands of time. Verse 9 of scripture above made it very clear.
Now I assure you that wherever the gospel is preached all over the world. What she has done will be told in memory of her
Conversely a little slip can make an extra-ordinary person ordinary.
If one is not careful about his or her ways in life,
the extra ordinary person can become ordinary
for instance in the life of Samson and Delilah in judges 16:19-20
Samson who was once outstanding,
who was once extra ordinary because of his great deeds became ordinary again when the extra was taken out of his extra ordinary person.
The extra I speak of here is his anointing which was in his hair. When his hair was taken away he became ordinary.
If you learn to do a little extra today in life in business and academics
you will become and extra ordinary person that cannot be ignored by your generation.
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The bible encourages us as Christians to take that extra step in life to become extra-ordinary
Reviewed by Unknown
November 29, 2017