As Christians we must determine to make the graveyards poorer

In every person on earth,

God has deposited or placed a potential in us

that we have to discover before we pass on according to Genesis 1:26a God said

“let us make man in our image after our likeness"

hence according to this scripture we are like God and we can exhibit the same potential that God has,

we can exhibit the same talent he has.

These talents, these potentials, these abilities we have inside us

were placed in us for us to be able to fulfill destiny and live a comfortable life on earth, a life of success and riches.

When we talk about riches,

the first thing that comes to the mind of people includes money, cars, houses etc.

But the mistake youths of our generation make is that they do not sit down to think about how those things come about,

how do people make money? What do they do to succeed?

Before someone can acquire these materialistic things,

he or she must discover or realize the potential within him or her.

The graveyards they say is the richest place in the world. It is a place where the richest individuals in the world are located.

The riches I speak of here are not material riches but riches in unbelievable talents that were taken due to timidity and cowardice,

Great decisions never taken due to fear of the crowd or criticism.

In the graveyards of the world lie songs that were never sung,

Great books that were never written and ideas that never grew into something great. Harriet Beecher wrote

“The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone”

In the graveyards about 6ft deep lies buried and wasted, wonderful inventors

that could have triggered inventions still undiscovered.

In the graveyards lies governors that never governed,

administrators that never administed,

teachers that never made an impact on any child

wise men that never made an impact on their generation through their wisdom.

In the graveyard lie scientists that never made an impact on their generation

through their discoveries. And they left this world undiscovered.

The graveyard is full of dead bones but it is also full of undiscovered greatness and riches. You are reading this article today because you are still alive and no wonder Luke 15:13 says

“After a few days the younger son sold his part of the property and left home with the money. He went to a country far away, where he wasted his money in reckless living”

You will never waste your life but verse 17 of the same scripture says

“ at last he came to his sense and said, all my father’s hired workers have more than they can eat, and here I am about to stave!

Hence you too must come to yourself and discover your wonderful personality and God given potential. You are too blessed and loaded to be wasted. You will not add to the wealth of the graveyard.

If you were blessed by this article share it with your friends and loved once. Stay blessed.
As Christians we must determine to make the graveyards poorer As Christians we must determine to  make the graveyards poorer Reviewed by Unknown on November 26, 2017 Rating: 5
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