W. E. Corey the general superintendent of Andrew Carnegie Homestead Works, once said
“It is not always that smartest man who gets along the best; it is the man with the bull dog tenacity, the man who perseveres and never gives up who succeeds".
Every trial has a purpose,
but it takes a waiting/ patient/determined man or woman to discover that purpose. Many are in the graveyards today due to anxiety, worry or suicide because of problems.
No matter how the past years have been,
with certain delays and mysterious silence from God always remember that Romans. 8 vs. 28 says....
We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose.
God is not a liar, you need to believe in his word and wait on him and don't give up on something wonderful
something pleasant would spring forth from your life, family and ministry.
Phillip Brooks said
“Wherever souls are being tried and ripened in whatever common place and homely way, their God is hewing out the pillars for his temple". Yes the divine blacksmith is on duty in your life.
Sirach also said
“for gold is tried through the fire and acceptable men in the furnace of adversity".
God is preparing you for paramount victory. He cannot use you unless you have been schooled in the furnace of affliction. Psalm .105 vs19 says.....
until what he had predicted came true.
The word of the Lord proved him right.
Joseph's trial was connected to a time frame and so is yours. History abounds with instances of doubtful battles or unexpected reverses
transformed by man's stubbornness into eleventh hour triumph!
Remember that during the 2nd World War, the battle of Marengo went against the French during the first half of the day and they were about to retreat when Mr. Dessaix,
the troop commander, consulted Napoleon the commander-in-chief!
Thereafter, he looked at his watch and said:
“The battle is completely lost; but it is only two o'clock and we shall have time to gain another".
He made the famous "Calvary" declaration and fought till they won the last battle! Oh, stubborn determination!
Likewise, Mr. Blucher, the famous and popular Prussian General wasbeaten
lost in nine out of ten battles;
yet with courage and determination, he rallied round his defeated army and fought! He won the last decisive battle!
Indeed, your last minute can reverse the battle and rewrite your story. There are still greater victories ahead for you no matter your past defeats or delays.
Determine to close every dark chapter of your life's book called
REGRET OVER YOUR PAST (especially past mistakes).
Put on the spirit of determination because there is nothing like luck. What men call luck is simply the holding on of a determined soul.
Sydney Bremer wrote
“In seasons of distress and difficulty, to abandon ourselves to dejection is evidence of a weak mind".
Do you have a weak mind? Don't you have the mind of Christ? Is His mind weak? To overcome one barrier gives you a greater ability to overcome the next. Psalm. 18 vs. 32-34 says.....
He is the God who makes me strong,who makes my pathway safe.He makes me sure-footed as a deer; he keeps me safe on the mountains.He trains me for battle, so that I can use the strongest bow.
If you wait on the Lord, your present thorns will become your stepping stones to your throne.
"Perpetual pushing and assurance puts a difficulty out of countenance and make seeming impossibilities give way" (Jeremy Collier).
Psalm. 18:37 declares......
I pursue my enemies and catch them; I do not stop until I destroy them.
That will be your unedited testimony this year. Wait on God.
Avoiding the dark chapter! Determine to fight until the end
Reviewed by Unknown
March 12, 2018