Never forget that the biggest room in the world is always the room for self-improvement. It is what you learn after you know it all that counts. You can learn more from a wise man when he is wrong than a fool when he is right. The companion of the wise is wise let’s take some notes and learns from the wise today.
1. An author once said
“you are built not to shrink down to less but to blossom into more".
You must always carry the notion that you are not supposed to be demoted but rather to be elevated. The Bible says we are to go from glory to glory.
God did not create us to be demoted above every creature on earth. Someone with that king of authority should not settle for less. You should know that God did not create you to shrink but rather to grow.
2. Oprah Winfrey said
"Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment.
Own it"
you must always have the courage to see a future
full of promises and celebrations because your best days are still ahead
you need to believe that there are better days ahead in the future. You need to have the courage to hold on no matter what. Life can be full of challenges but you must know that there is no great man in life who does not go through challenges. Challenges are proofs that we are able to carry the greatness or success that awaits us. You need courage to rise above every challenge.
3. Oprah Winfrey also said
"my philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment".
Another important tip for achieving success is self responsibility, self confidence and boldness. Without responsibility, one is not in place to achieve success.
Until you can take responsibility for yourself and your life,
you are not even matured enough to want success.
Until you can take responsibility for every mistake,
for every event that takes place in your life,
you cannot even build your confidence in order to achieve success,
you must be bold and confident and belief
in yourself. Believe you can achieve anything, believe you can be successful and go for it. You must be confident that whatever you are doing is going to work. The biggest civil war for man is not believe in himself.
You must conquer the internal battle,
the little voice of doubt that keeps telling you that you can't do it or you can't go far.
Rise above all that and tell yourself that you can and you will achieve your dreams.
4. and finally, Oprah Winfrey also concluded by saying
"be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never have enough".
Gratitude to God for what you have is very important on matter how small.
At times as humans we forget to thank God for the level we are
but rather we keep grumbling and complaining of how we are not supposed to be on this level,
how we are supposed to be way past where we are but we forget to ask ourselves,
what if God did not bring us to where we are,
what if we were far lower than where we are, what would we do then, complain still we die?
When you are grateful for little, God will add more be thankful at every point in time. The Bible says in all things give thanks whether you like your current position or not. Being thankful instills an optimistic and positive attitude in you.
It helps you think positively,
it gives you that motivation to see the next step, to go forward and achieve greater things.
Be thankful and learn from these 4 little tips today, remember "it is what you learn after you know it all that counts".
The biggest room in the world: self improvement
Reviewed by Unknown
February 08, 2018