The human brain consists of more than 100 billion nervous
(nerve cells) through which the brain's commands are sent in the form of electric pulse.
These pulses travel at more than 400km/h (250mph),
creating enough electricity to power a light bulb. The brain consumes more energy than any other organ, burning up a whooping one-fifth of the food we take in.
It is estimated that the mental capacity of a 100-year old human
with perfect memory could be represented by a computer with the power of 10 to 15 bits (onepetabit)
At the current rate of computer chip development, that figure can be reached in about 35 years.
That means that your brain is higher than the modern computer. Consider this; for all the complexities of the brain, you still have one thought at a time. Wow isn't that intriguing?
Your brain was designed by God to capture one thought at a time
even though thousands and thousands of thoughts pass through your brain corridor,
you can only capture and process on thought at a time.
This is why you must make it a positive thought. Think of only positive things.
The Bible says "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he" proverb 23:7.
In essence, that part is trying to tell us that you are what you think. The man or woman you are today is as a product of your thoughts.
If you think you can't be successful, then you will never be successful.
Refuse to allow that depression or any negative thought.
Fight every thought that will not fire your faith in God.
One thought can turn you into a co-creator with God. Look at things not as they are but as they can be.
James Allen said
"Man is made or unmade by himself. By the right choice he ascends. As a being of power, intelligence and love and the Lord of his own thought, he holds the key to every situation".
You are made by the thoughts you process. A shallow thinker seldom makes a deep impression proverb 25:23 says....
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
You need to have control over your thoughts, control over the ones you choose to process. As Christians, the devil would never stop trying to break us. And he can do this by poisoning our minds through negative thoughts.
These thoughts would always pass through our brain corridor,
but when you choose to capture it and process it that's where your failure begins. If you realize how powerful your thoughts are, you would never allow a negative thought for a minute.
You must realize that your mind was not given to you for thoughts of;
anger, depression, sorrow, regrets; bitterness and unforgiveness e.t.c
God gave you the mind to allow you to create and rule over circumstances.
Satan knows that the thoughts of men are as powerful as God that is why he will stop at nothing to plant negative seeds in our mind.
your thoughts/imaginations can change impossibilities. You must daily image and talk about your heart desire. Refuse thoughts of doubt.
Ted Engstrom wrote
“each of us live less of the life God intended for us when we choose not to live out the creative powers we posses".
Whether we consciously choose our thoughts or let aimlessness run over lives,
sooner or later, the seeds of thoughts we have planted in our mind would bring forth.
Hear Florence shinning “the game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy".
Learn and guard your thoughts, rule over your thoughts and rule your world.
It's one thought at a time! Reject the negatives
Reviewed by Unknown
February 13, 2018