Don't love money be satisfied with what you have. For God has said "I will never abandon you". Hebrews 13:5. Contentment lies not in what is yours but in whose you are. YOU BELONG TO GOD.
When you come into a relationship with God through his son, Jesus Christ,
you understand who you belong to and what you have. You are not born again into a family of lack. Abraham describes his God (your God) as the possessor of heaven and earth. Is that a beggarly family?
No matter how you look today, never forget this family where you belong. Learn to look vertically (upwards) and not horizontally (other). Envy causes one to look horizontally at what others have so we never get satisfied. We pursue the god of money, thinking of what it can buy us.
Contentment invites us to look vertically at God. When you look in his direction, you know that he is enough and the possessor of this rich world.
Looking at his direction creates contentment
while contentment is the secret of inward peace. It recalls the bare truth that we brought nothing into the world
And we can take nothing out of it including our money.
Life, in fact is a journey from one moment of vulnerability to another. So we should travel light and simple. The reality for most people is that we have enough- whatever enough is. Hebrews 13 Vs 5 says we should be content with what we have.
Being content with less stuff and not envying those with a lot
is a process that will take more than a quick prayer or reading a book or hearing a sermon.
It will require a dependence and satisfaction in God. Look up daily and start today. Stay blessed.
My theory on the secret of peace
Reviewed by Unknown
March 01, 2018