Greatness is prepared for, it is not jumped into. The journey of a thousand kilometers begins with a step. The great success stories you read of in life and ministry today began as little adventures.
A house is built by a block. No house falls from heaven; it all starts with one block. The same goes for success. You don't just attain or achieve your purpose or aim just like that, you must take steps.
Most people desire to get to the top of life but are not prepared to start small to get to the top. Most people just want everything handed to them without any form of struggle.
Listen to this story;
I met a young lady once and we got talking and our talk varied on different subjects.
it finally landed on the topic of marriage
she made a statement that made me wonder how many girls are out there thinking the same way she is thinking right now.
The lady went on to tell me that she is really not ready to suffer;
she wants an already made man. She wants a kind of marriage where she will only have to walk in with her suitcase
into a well furnished home that has everything she needs.
She said she really cannot be with a man who is starting life.
There are so many people like this lady in the business world.
Most of them don't want to go through challenges;
they want an already functioning business to be handed to them. If that eventually happens can he or she say they have achieved success?
You must be prepared to start with the right step even if it means starting small. You cannot build a house from the top. Note that the foundations of most houses are never seen but a house is as durable as its foundation.
God could have created the world in 1 hour, Yes!! He has the power to do so, but he didn't. It took him 6 days. This is the path of highest wisdom in the universe: step by step, phase by phase, percept upon percept, line by line.
Start your business with the few hundreds you have. If you need large sums of capital to begin business, go back to the drawing board. Don't regret your present level in life and ministry. Learn from Daddy God.
Exodus 23:29-30 says.......
But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land.
God told the Jews about their enemies the Hitties, the Cannanites and the Hivites
that he will not drive them out immediately but little by little he will do it. This is God's pattern.
Sudden success today can invite the beasts of the field and can destroy your tomorrow. You will acquire your destiny and posses your possessions little by little. Be faithful day by day and you will end in bliss. Be contented about where you are and hold on for God to elevate you. ENVY NOBODY!!!
Every destiny is timed; when you miss the timing you miss the target
Greatness is little by little, step by step
Reviewed by Unknown
March 08, 2018