There is power in a made up mind! A man with a made up mind is a man who is determine to keep at something until he achieves his purpose. God was determine to deliver the children of Israel from the evil hands of Pharaoh. Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the kings food (Daniel 1:8). Esther made up her mind to go before the king and speak for the deliverance of the Jews.
Hear what David told his son in 1 chronicles 22:19:
set your heart and soul to seek the Lord your God; arise therefore and build.
Note the words: set your heart! A man with a set heart is a man who will be able to build his life, family, and ministry.
In the midst of the many obstacles of daily living, be that kind of man! Reuse to be a quitter! Refuse to be a confused Reed, Tossed by every wind of change in different directions! No! That's the pathway of failures and you don't belong there!
The Lord Jesus made up his mind to go to Lazarus house and Wake Him up.
When you make up your mind on something and set your heart to do it,
you become unstoppable as you March to victory.
When Jesus got to the house of Lazarus the cries of people could not stop him. In fact, some of his disciples laughed at him. They asked (paraphrased), haha, if he is sleeping, then he will wake up. Why do we have to travel all the way to Bethany just to wake up a man who is sleeping?
But the Lord had a made-up mind never to be distracted! Also, Martha told him " lord by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days". The LORD Jesus, your example was not moved! Why? His heart was set on a purpose.
No matter how 2017 has been, let your heart still be set on a purpose and indeed your life's goals.
Yes, keep your heart still set on that your miracle! Nothing can stop you from receiving, when your heart is set on the best that God has in store for you! Set your heart and get set to sing after your storm! Yes you will sing again.
Set your heart sing again! A purpose driven heart conquers all
Reviewed by Unknown
February 19, 2018